Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Pr. John Koo (SIAT, Shenzhen) visited ESPRESSO in summer 2012 with the support of the University of Rennes 1. During his stay, we elaborated a collaboration plan and project proposal on integrated discrete/continuous/hardware simulation with LIAMA.

In the context of the associate project Polycore, Jens Brandt (TU Kaiserslautern) visited ESPRESSO in June to share code generation techniques in Quartz and Signal. Loïc Besnard visited Virginia Tech in June to present the open-source release of Polychrony and explore possibles uses of Polychrony in the MRCDIF environment developed at the FLVT. Jean-Pierre Talpin visited Virginia Tech in May and October to prepare our work on Quartz and Signal and jointly draft a project proposal for the USAFRL.

Visits to International Teams

Jean-Pierre Talpin received a grant as invited scientist by the Chinese Academy of Science to visit the Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Technology in December 2012 and further ongoing collaborations with Pr. Koo and LIAMA.